BNI Early Bird – 16 years and more

by Admin
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It’s a proud moment for the Early Bird Chapter as they celebrate 16 fruitful years at BNI! The President, Rajkumar Bhatia, Vice-President Ajay Bhatia, and Hitesh Manghnani share their joys in an illustrious chapter such as Early Bird.

Raj, whose current tenure at BNI is quite a unique one of 9 years, 9 months & 9 days, has quite a strong bond with this chapter. “ It’s like a family to me… we know that someone is looking over us and has our backs at all times,” he says.

Every Day is a Celebration

As a long-standing member, Raj shares his insights on how life in the Early Bird Chapter has evolved over the years and yet stayed the same in terms of the relationships among chapter members. “The contact spheres have been bonded well enough for each member to look back on, even after they have left the chapter,” he remarks.

“When the in-person meetings restarted post lockdown, the excitement and thrill on the member’s faces were clear to see, as if school students had returned from vacation,” Raj smiles.

Learnings a Class Apart

Vice-President Ajay emphasizes the numerous business opportunities that are present in the Early Bird chapter. “The contacts I’ve made here have worked positively for us.”

A proud philomath, Ajay further throws light upon the countless learning avenues available at BNI that help him shine as an individual and a businessperson.

“I wouldn’t require an MBA, as long as I’m following what Business Builder is saying because that is what practical business is all about. I love what I get to learn over here,” Ajay exclaims.

One of the key learning points that Ajay has received is the art of introducing his business in under 7 seconds. He expresses his gratitude to our Founder, Dr. Ivan Misner, for this particular skill that he has gained. “ Being an introvert, I can walk to anyone today and introduce my business in 7 seconds!”

Blessing in Disguise

One of the latest entrants to the chapter, Hitesh, gushes about the support and backing he got from his fellow chapter members, especially during these challenging times. “ Even during these interesting times, we never felt the pinch because of a wonderful team backing us; we never faced a business loss, the numbers continued to rise.”

“If you want a number of people rooting for you, supporting you through your ups and downs, then BNI is the place for it. I do not know of any other membership that can provide you with that much support, not just from a financial perspective but also from an emotional perspective. So there is no doubt about it; BNI is the place for it!” Ajay concludes.

We wish BNI Early Bird all the best as they continue to take flight and soar through incredible milestones.

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